The Ladeo seat is an innovative piece of furniture constructed with slender metal tubes. Its versatile design allows for indoor and outdoor use. With its sleek and modern appearance, the Ladeo seat combines both functionality and aesthetic appeal. Whether placed inside or outside, it offers comfort and style in any setting.


  • Ladeo is edited by Folks (Denmark) in collaboration with the designer Stéphane Chapelet. This partnership brings together the expertise of Folks in furniture design and the creative vision of Stéphane Chapelet to create the unique and stylish Ladeo seat. The collaboration ensures that Ladeo embodies the fusion of Danish design principles with Chapelet's innovative approach.

  • Ladeo is a low seat designed with slender metal tubes. Its unique construction allows for comfortable seating close to the ground. Whether used indoors or outdoors, Ladeo provides a stylish and minimalist seating option. Its low profile adds a modern touch to any space, creating a cozy and relaxed atmosphere.

  • Ladeo is crafted using small wire tubes made of steel. This material choice offers durability and strength to the seat while maintaining a lightweight and elegant design. The steel wire tubes provide structural integrity and stability, ensuring a sturdy seating experience. The use of this material also adds a contemporary touch to the overall aesthetic, creating a sleek and modern appearance for the Ladeo seat.


Nenufar Tables - H.Hansen, Germany


Mikado - Martinelli, Italy